Envirofone Contact Details:
Main address: Envirofone, Blakeney Way, Kingswood Lakeside Cannock Staffordshire WS11 8JD
, Tel:0333 321 3441, E-mail:enquiries@envirofone.com Envirofone Logo

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CheckMEND is the world’s largest online searchable database of stolen possessions and barred/blocked mobile phones. The data comes from over 32 countries and is supplied by the police, Insurance Companies, Trade Bodies, Insurers and the General Public.

The system allows for checks to be run using the IMEI number of a mobile phone or the serial number of any other item. The results from the check will certify if an item has been reported as stolen and in the case of a mobile phone if it has been blocked by one or more phone networks. It will also provide information on the make and model of any handset indicating any illegal reprogramming.

CheckMEND is run by Recipero Limited. Recipero is the largest aggregator of information around possession ownership and associated criminality in the world. For full details of Recipero visit http://www.recipero.com/.

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