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Misconceptions about E-waste recycling

Lifestyle | by Denise Timmis | Oct 07, 2022

Misconceptions about E-waste recycling

Is e-waste bad for the environment?

E-waste is a term used to describe different types of electronic items that are at the end of life, discarded or broken. They can be big precious metals or small electrical items. If you have a broken phone and throw it away, this is a form of e-waste. But you may not know what this term means or if e-waste is a good thing. We’ve myth-busted some of the common misunderstandings many of us have with E-Waste, to change perceptions and help improve recycling behaviours.

Related blog: The Importance Of E-Waste Recycling


1. E-waste is acceptable to put in regular bins

Unfortunately, this is wishful thinking. Your local council won’t separate your e-waste for you with a giant magnet. Everything you stick in that black bag will go straight into the landfill.

But wait. It gets worse. You might think, so what? It’s just one tiny phone in a big pile of rubbish. What you’re not thinking about is what happens when your phone starts to erode. When your phone decays in a landfill, all the toxic minerals used to make the battery, microchips, and wires seep into the ground. There are proper recycling centres with actual tech recycling bins you can use to dispose of your old phones and tablets. 


2. Recycling e-waste is a data risk

This is not true if you take a few moments to ensure that all sensitive information is cleared from your device. Wiping your device will eliminate the risk of your data being stolen post-collection. Several apps and a variety of stand-alone software can be used for data wiping in ways that make your data wholly irretrievable or at least unusable after it’s sent for recycling.


3. Keeping old devices in your desk drawer or stored away is harmless

It’s easy to get carried away with hoarding your electronics. After all, it’s less threatening to the environment than dumping it into the trash and less likely to end up shipped to a developing country where it could cause even more harm. This is because there are much fewer environmental regulations in developing countries.

The rare and valuable materials contained in electronics are essential keys to the economy of the recycling industry. More importantly, they could help wean industries off less environmentally sound recovery processes like mining and fracking.


4. Landfills are so massive that small devices won’t make a difference.

Although size does matter when it comes to electronics and landfills, the main point is that the hazardous contents of electronics, such as mercury and lead, can leak, leach and seep into the air and soil, leading to environmental and health issues. Hazardous substances may also eventually find a way to seep into groundwater, causing even more risks to public health.


5. Disposing of e-waste is a hassle.

E-waste disposal is simple, provided you take the time to research a little bit and use a reliable company to help you recycle e-waste effortlessly.

 There are a few simple steps that you or your organisation can take to ensure you’re doing your part to meet your sustainability goals and reduce your liability.

What are we doing to help?

If you have an old phonetablet or gaming console lying around gathering dust, you can sell it to us for a competitive price. So don’t throw it away or leave it lying around; trade tech with us, and we will find it a new home.

Devices beyond repair are thoroughly recycled and taken apart for critical parts. This prevents any device or harmful phone components from making their way to a landfill site. Electronics that can be refurbished are professionally done so by our team of expert technicians. They will clean the machine, tune it up and make it like it is new so it can find a new home. Tech trading has never been easier. 

How do I recycle my device?

With Envirofone, selling your device is simple. Just follow these steps:

  • Choose the device and model you’re selling. You’ll get an instant valuation based on its condition.
  • For phones, request your free Enviropack, and follow the instructions to package and send the device safely to us.
  • For tech, generate your unique QR shipping code. Package up your device and take it to your closest InPost Locker to return.
  • Once received, our technicians will test your device to see its condition.  
  • Accept the offer to receive your money. This offer may be revised if your device isn’t as described. 

Related blog: Environmental Benefits Of Trading Tech


Reasons to recycle E-Waste:
  • Frees up landfills
  • Creates more jobs
  • Helps environmental conservation
  • Keeps your data protected
  • Destroys data effectively
  • Saves resources
  • Recycling electronics is easier


And remember, you don’t have to accept our final offer. Just let us know if you don’t want to accept our valuation. We’ll send your tech back at no extra cost. Now you're up to date on electronic recycling, learn more about trading in your second-hand phone for cash with Envirofone! Recycle tech now!

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