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AI In 2024

Lifestyle | by Charlotte Bolton | Apr 16, 2024

AI In 2024

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence and is the intelligence of machines and computer systems where the tech actually thinks like humans. As you may be aware, AI has seen a major surge in popularity, and you probably use it everyday without even knowing it. That’s why, in this blog, we are going to take a look at AI in the modern day to see how it compares to when it was first created. Taking a look at where it may go in the future whilst answering some of the most popular AI related questions.

Related blog: Could We See A Return For Retro Tech?

Why is AI suddenly so popular?

One of the questions asked a lot about AI is, is it a new concept and if not… when was it created? Thanks to multiple breakthroughs in tech, an increase of data availability and awareness in potential, AI has seen a surge in popularity. Now, artificial intelligence is used for almost anything. Music, creating visual content like photos and videos, written communication. It is also extremely easy to access and most of the time its programs are free.

One of the leading reasons as to why AI has become so popular recently however has to come down to ChatGPT, which is the language model platform that allows users to create written content in any detail, language, style, or format that they wanted. Releasing in November 2022, the chatbot developed by OpenAI has claimed over 60% of AI tool traffic with over 14 billion visits to the page. After people realised they could use AI for text and conversation, the possibilities were unlimited.


Where do we use AI in everyday life?

  • Digital personal assistants
  • Smart homes
  • Smart cars
  • Cybersecurity
  • ChatGPT
  • To create music
  • Artificial intelligence animation generator
  • Voice recognition
  • Voice duplicator
  • Video games
  • Social media


When did AI really start?

Although made popular with recent years, AI was originally explored all the way back in the 50’s (back before the first mobile phone!), where tests were made on old tech like machines and computers to determine their intelligence. This was known as The Imitation Game. Within this, one of the tests that was made was called The Turing Test, where the computer or machine was tested to see if it could communicate with a human without being detected as a machine to determine how intelligent a computer can become.


What are some possibilities of AI?

There are many positive advantages we can see with AI improving overtime, with further developments in healthcare, customer service, manufacturing and more. At current time, AI can practically complete any task given, creating new artwork and talent that has never been imagined before. As this improves and our understanding of the tech advances, no one can predict how successful or reliant on AI we will be.

Related blog: How Technology Impacts Our Daily Lives?

AI Pros: AI Cons:
  • Available 24/7
  • Unbiased decision making 
  • Takes away human jobs
  • Very new - don't know the potential risks.



We cannot wait to see what the future hold for AI. There are already so many amazing features that AI can do we cannot wait to see how this is taken further. Do you think AI is a good thing or should it be slowed down and not be relied on as much? We have plenty of tech blogs on our website providing insights to AI, have a look now!

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